Menopause Yoga Certification

Yoga for Midlife

Menoyoga® for women in perimenopause, menopause or postmenopause

Let’s face it. Our bodies are in constant change. And in some periods in our lives we go through more intense changes: Puberty and menopause. For women this means to enter and to leave the reproductive time of our lives. 

In Shamanic cultures, menopause is considered the time when women become wise women. The right of passage, where they access their healing powers and become spiritual leaders in their communities. And in Japan menopause is seen as sacred renewal and should be honored. In the West this time of a women’s life is often feared, not talked about and probably most of us do not know a lot about it if we are honest. This includes myself until I took Sally Parke’s Menoyoga® Teacher Training to learn more about how yoga can help women to better manage and understand the changes their bodies go through during perimenopause (the time leading up to ones menopause), menopause (the one year anniversary of one’s last periode) and postmenopause (the time after menopause). 

A significant thing I learned is, that you want to start preventative measures as early as possible. So when you hop over to your 40s, it is time to look yourself deep in the eyes and check in with your diet, your strength and endurance regime. But don’t worry if you are already past that point. Yoga can still do wonders for your well-being in body and mind.

In midlife, the body starts to loose bone and muscles strength as well as collagen. The hormonal rollercoaster can be challenging for ones mood. Yoga provides effective tools to sooth the mind, cool the body, release excess heat, built strength and increase bone density.

As every women is different and we will all experience the menopause years individually, I will adapt the Menoyoga® practice to your needs. Get in touch below and let’s get started introducing yoga to your midlife. A phase full of potential, a second spring and maybe even a deeper spiritual connection to yourself.

“You have to sit down and take a good look at yourself, particularly as you grow older and your face changes. People are afraid of changing; that they’re losing something. They don’t understand that they are also gaining something.” — Sharon Stone

Book your private menopause yoga class intro special today (new students only): 3hrs (can be divided in up to 2 sessions) for 1,900kr. 


1h personalized yoga 900kr (online 600kr)
1.5h personalized yoga 1,100kr (online 850kr)

Prices for one person. Extra person surcharge 100kr for max. 2 additional students.
Includes travel costs in Copenhagen.

Not in your midlife yet? Click here to learn about my private yoga classes for everyone.

Inclusive Yoga for menopause
Yoga for midlife

Julia is the best teacher I have ever met. Her approach to the body, and her willingness to teach people with an open heart. Made me hang in. Thx Julia 



yoga for postmenopause women

The most exclusive and luxurious yoga sessions I ever experienced. Julias voice carries me into a deep satisfying and soothing place within my self! I heartedly give her my recommendations!



Book your private Menoyoga® - yoga for menopause class today:

Happy Students

Warrior Princess Yoga

Reviews of students

Georgiana November 1st, 2022

I met Julia at a retreat and she is an amazing teacher and a really lovely human. I loved how she didn't rush through the process and we really went back to basics, while at the same time learning a wide variety of things about yoga, from how to do a certain asana to yogic wisdom. It was obvious that Julia knows a lot and she is also really good at sharing it with others. She redefined in my mind what a good yoga teacher is.

Eve January 22nd, 2020

Julia is one of the most precious yoga teacher I’ve ever had! I would recommend all her practices with a special mention for her yoga nidra. I got so relaxed and so deeply calmed down by her voice during each session, she helped me letting it go towards either a tight sleep or for restful nap. Very powerful experience and human being. thank you Warrior Princess!

Agnieszka January 21st, 2020

I have had the most relaxing beautiful experience in the yoga Nidra class. Thank you so much 🙏. You are so knowledgeable and your voice so soothing

Sarah February 14th, 2020

Julia ably and effortlessly led a vinyasa class with clear instruction and really helpful assists. She spoke about philosophy just the right amount, there was still plenty of space and quiet to really get into the practice. Thank you Julia!! I loved it

Majbritt May 3rd, 2020

The best yoga in Copenhagen. They are very skilled at Hatha yoga, Yin, and yoga nidra. Julia has a good personality, an she is one of my favorite instructor.

Kim April 1st, 2020

Julia is an amazing teacher. I have had three classes with her so far and she already improved my asanas a lot. I appreciate her hands on experience and eye for detail. Thank you Julia. Big hug! (by the way: her guided meditations are the best!)