Discovering the Powerful Benefits of Yoga in Midlife

My yoga journey – Chapter 1

How yoga helped me through a life crisis

Hi – I am Kirsten. I am 58 years old and living in greater Copenhagen. I am living alone. I have a boyfriend, two grown up sons and their families, very old parents, a job and good friends. I am content with life. In fact I am grateful and feel privileged. This is my yoga journey which helped me to reach this recognition.

In 2020 my life changed in an unexpected direction. The foundation of my life for the last 38 years was past. My at that time husband moved and I was living alone for the first time in my life. Big crisis that words cannot describe but I think that all can imagine at least some of the pain such a breakup after so many years causes. What to do? I immediately realized that I needed some professional help and found a psychologist. She mainly listened, which was good but I was missing some tools. I also had good help from friends who very patiently listened to me telling my story over and over again. However, the big breakthrough in my psychic wellbeing came when I started practicing yoga.

Stroke of luck – my youngest son had approximately at the exact same time meet a young professional yoga teacher. They fell in love and soon they also moved together. Let us call the yoga teacher Julia😊 Both were very caring and wanted to help me. Julia suggested I start doing yoga and soon I was dragged into the yogi world. It became my saviour. It was during covid lock-down so first I was practicing in Julia’s yoga studio and later when she was forced to close it due to covid it was via online classes.

In the beginning I mainly did yin yoga. It helped me so much finding peace in my mind and to reduce all the pain I had in my body due to tension. Later I added Hatha and other yoga styles but my heart is still very much with the yin. I have though acknowledged that to have the full benefit of the yin yoga I also need to do the more physical and strengthening yoga disciplines such as hatha or vinyasa.

Today, 2 years later, I enjoy practicing various yoga disciplines in addition to yin and hatha such as fascia yoga, face yoga, breathing exercises and if I have a very good day: office yoga. Today it is non longer about reducing pain. Today yoga helps me find peace in a very hectic world as well as to focus on and prioritize what is important in my life. Not to forget the physical benefit in terms of a stronger and more flexible body.

How I manage to incorporate the different types of yoga into my daily life. Well it is a challenge, not always easy to find the time to be on the mat but the way it works for me is this: When Julia teaches in Yogaladen in Stenløse I go there for weekly classes or workshops. In addition I use the online classes that Warrior Princess Yoga offers. The variety of classes is big and I can do it whenever it can fit into my day. As a supplement I now and then attend a yoga retreat as the benefit of focusing on yoga and healthy food more days and together with others is enormous – but more about that in my yoga journey chapter 2😊

If you ask me, we should all do yoga. I think the world would be a much better place if all did.


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Happy Students

Warrior Princess Yoga

Reviews of students

Georgiana November 1st, 2022

I met Julia at a retreat and she is an amazing teacher and a really lovely human. I loved how she didn't rush through the process and we really went back to basics, while at the same time learning a wide variety of things about yoga, from how to do a certain asana to yogic wisdom. It was obvious that Julia knows a lot and she is also really good at sharing it with others. She redefined in my mind what a good yoga teacher is.

Eve January 22nd, 2020

Julia is one of the most precious yoga teacher I’ve ever had! I would recommend all her practices with a special mention for her yoga nidra. I got so relaxed and so deeply calmed down by her voice during each session, she helped me letting it go towards either a tight sleep or for restful nap. Very powerful experience and human being. thank you Warrior Princess!

Agnieszka January 21st, 2020

I have had the most relaxing beautiful experience in the yoga Nidra class. Thank you so much 🙏. You are so knowledgeable and your voice so soothing

Sarah February 14th, 2020

Julia ably and effortlessly led a vinyasa class with clear instruction and really helpful assists. She spoke about philosophy just the right amount, there was still plenty of space and quiet to really get into the practice. Thank you Julia!! I loved it

Majbritt May 3rd, 2020

The best yoga in Copenhagen. They are very skilled at Hatha yoga, Yin, and yoga nidra. Julia has a good personality, an she is one of my favorite instructor.

Kim April 1st, 2020

Julia is an amazing teacher. I have had three classes with her so far and she already improved my asanas a lot. I appreciate her hands on experience and eye for detail. Thank you Julia. Big hug! (by the way: her guided meditations are the best!)