How to de-stress your Xmas

It’s just November, and I am already talking about Xmas? It will arrive sooner than you might have hoped for. And as it is better to tackle stress early, before we have a burnout or need to take stress related sick-leave, it is just about time to give you some advice on how to de-stress your Xmas.

Get stuff done early

Need to book a catering, book flight tickets or getting presents (also see the next de-stress tip), start now. It will feel great if everything is done in good time, and you can enjoy the cozy evenings with your friends and family instead of running around like a maniac in the too busy shopping streets.

Talk with your family about gifts

Sometimes we assume they want something but in reality, they already have a lot of material stuff. Think sustainability too, do we buy something just to give or can it create value beyond the giving.
Think outside the gift box (pun intended). Maybe this year give the family an experience. Another option is a gift card for some self-care like some private yoga, breathwork or a massage (hint, hint ๐Ÿ˜‰ย Email me to learn about my gift cards). An option that I have used a lot for presents is a donation for a good cause. You might have a charity that is close to the heart of the gift receiver, or check out our friends from Earth Child Project and gift a child in a township a year of weekly yoga. You will touch more than one heart with this.

If it is Xmas or not take 5 minutes today to break the routine

Dance, shake, laugh or do a breathing exercise (yes we want to break our often bad breathing patterns too).

Stay with your mindfulness, fitness or yoga routine

This is where we often compromise first when it gets busy. But really you want to make time for it, even if you do it a bit shorter, do not compromise on taking care of yourself!
If your company does not offer any Office Yoga or similar during the Xmas time, switch to the many online options and maybe even make your colleagues accountable to stick with your routine. You can thank me later ๐Ÿ˜‰

Take it easy on the booze

In Denmark the time of Xmas lunches is coming up. And usually it goes hand in hand with a lot of drinks. Take it easy. A hangover does not only cause additional stress on your system, it will also take productive hours from the morning after away from you.

Eat healthy

Uh, Xmas candy. I won’t go into detail now, why too much candy isn’t good for you. Rather I want to give some ideas, how you can still enjoy your sweets, but won’t forget your nutrition.
Ad plenty of natural plant snacks to your Xmas plate like oranges (yeah vitamin C), walnuts (great for your brain) or dates (fiber feast). One candy, one fruit. Reduce the sugar crush and go through the Xmas time full of vitality.

Treat yourself

Join a mindful, relaxing or self-care event. I have two de-stress workshops at Yogaladen coming up. The wonderful Sharnelleย and I will be hosting an online self-love workshop. Or maybe your local yoga studio is offering some inward focus classes during this hectic time. Again, in the time that seems too hectic to take time for yourself, you should double the time you calm down.

Did you find these tips helpful? Any additional advice that I haven’t thought of? Leave us a comment below and share this article with your friends. Especially the ones that stress about Xmas the most, we all know one or two of them. Let us enjoy a calm and relaxed Xmas all together.

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Happy Students

Warrior Princess Yoga

Reviews of students

Georgiana November 1st, 2022

I met Julia at a retreat and she is an amazing teacher and a really lovely human. I loved how she didn't rush through the process and we really went back to basics, while at the same time learning a wide variety of things about yoga, from how to do a certain asana to yogic wisdom. It was obvious that Julia knows a lot and she is also really good at sharing it with others. She redefined in my mind what a good yoga teacher is.

Eve January 22nd, 2020

Julia is one of the most precious yoga teacher Iโ€™ve ever had! I would recommend all her practices with a special mention for her yoga nidra. I got so relaxed and so deeply calmed down by her voice during each session, she helped me letting it go towards either a tight sleep or for restful nap. Very powerful experience and human being. thank you Warrior Princess!

Agnieszka January 21st, 2020

I have had the most relaxing beautiful experience in the yoga Nidra class. Thank you so much ๐Ÿ™. You are so knowledgeable and your voice so soothing

Sarah February 14th, 2020

Julia ably and effortlessly led a vinyasa class with clear instruction and really helpful assists. She spoke about philosophy just the right amount, there was still plenty of space and quiet to really get into the practice. Thank you Julia!! I loved it

Majbritt May 3rd, 2020

The best yoga in Copenhagen. They are very skilled at Hatha yoga, Yin, and yoga nidra. Julia has a good personality, an she is one of my favorite instructor.

Kim April 1st, 2020

Julia is an amazing teacher. I have had three classes with her so far and she already improved my asanas a lot. I appreciate her hands on experience and eye for detail. Thank you Julia. Big hug! (by the way: her guided meditations are the best!)