Short Yoga Routine for Everyday
Rooftop Yoga with Emily
I promise you don’ t need a rooftop for some yoga, so no excuses 🙂
Do you spend a lot of time sitting on a chair? Do you regularly feel stiff in your back, shoulders and neck? Or do you simply want to stretch a bit in the morning or before going to bed?
These 4 Asanas (poses) are easy and achievable by anyone. Just use 10 minutes of your day to get down on the floor, on your yoga mat or on your living room mat.
Maybe they won’t look exactly like this and they might not feel very comfortable in the beginning, especially if you just started with yoga.
But progressions are guaranteed, if you keep practicing.
Upper right – Cow pose = make sure you are opening the chest and rolling the shoulders back; perform this pose on an inhale followed by a cat pose
Upper left -Cat pose = use use arms to press away from the mat and to round in your upper back; perform this pose on an exhale followed by a cow pose
Lower right – Puppy pose= start in a table top , keep the hips aligned with the knees, walk your hands forward and melt your chest towards the ground ;
Lower left – Child’s pose = bring your sit bones towards your heels, and round your spine. Other versions include opening the knees to the side while keeping the feet together and extending the arms forward.
Hold Puppy pose and Child’s pose for at least 10 deep breaths each.
Do it for yourself, keep practicing and enjoy the journey.
Love Emily